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Astronomy resource bank: resources for kids to learn about space

Explore space in the comfort of your own home with Mission Astro’s resource bank

the voyage to vela

Resources to learn about the planets & stars

Mission Astro is frequently adding free resources for children and teenagers to learn about Astronomy.

To gain instant access to any of our free resources, simply enter your email address and we’ll zoom your resource to your inbox at the speed of light!

c certificate in space science
certificate in space science


Know what makes Uranus blue? Can you name the farthest planet from the sun?

Download this free space-themed quiz and printable worksheet for your next lesson. It’s also a great resource for family quizzes around the dinner table!


Embrace the pure magic of a night scattered with starlight with your family. Add some smores and a mug of hot chocolate and you’ll be making core memories with an educational twist.

Learn, step-by-step how to stargaze like a pro and how to identify what you’re looking at. Our easy-to-implement guide is the perfect instruction manual for your next stargazing night.

night on the alps under starry sky and moonlight

Learn about space

We’re always adding to our Resource Bank to help under-18s around the United Kingdom develop their love for astronomy.

While you’re waiting for free astronomy resources, take a look at our blog articles that teach you about so many areas of space.

c certificate in space science
December 24, 2024

Santa’s Speed: How Physics Explains His Christmas Eve Journey

How does he do it? Laura Ash explores how Santa could be using physics to his advantage!

m82snpanelguido cut
December 18, 2024

How do we discover Supernova?

Learn all about hunting for exploding stars with our resident supernovae expert, Dr Heather Campbell.

An illustration a supernova explosion
December 12, 2024

Are all Supernovae the same?

Supernovae are the dramatic finale to the lives of all high-mass stars in the universe. Can these explosions tell us about the stars they originate from?

europa clipper
December 12, 2024

Europa Clipper – is life hidden on ocean moons of the Solar System?

Could there be life in the Solar System? Find out all the facts about NASA’s Europa Clipper mission as it sets off on its long journey to Jupiter.

August 20, 2024

Our Universe through the crystal clear lens of ESA’s Euclid

A look at the breath-taking first Euclid images and a summary of the science that the telescope is helping us to solve.

mars pathfinder 10 twin peaks
August 20, 2024

Why Mars?

Why is it important for scientists to go to Mars? Read our list of compelling reasons to go to the Red Planet.

Aurora Iceland 2017 H Campbell
August 20, 2024

Aurora in the Solar System

Aurorae are not unique to the Earth. Take a trip with us across the Solar System to see the light shows on other planets.

Artist impression of Osiris-rex t
June 24, 2024

What next, OSIRIS-REx?

A summary of the successful OSIRIS-REx mission detailing it’s triumphs and it’s onward mission.

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